Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Bow Wow Wow

So, I was out every evening except Tuesday last week and on Thursday, I went to go and see Bow Wow Wow in Southampton with my Daddy.
No one of my generation really knows who they are (neither did they attend), this is because they were big in the 80s so about 30 years ago. The only songs people may know are 'I Want Candy' which is pretty famous and 'Go Wild in the Country' which was played as the theme tune for a CBBC TV programme called 'Cavegirl' in 2004.
I was the youngest person in the audience, no doubt about it, however, the majority of the audience were attempting to dress how they did when they were my age. Luckily my Daddy managed to dress fairly appropriately, even if he was wearing an old band shirt. There were several unusual characters in the audience, multiple people with mohawks and one guy with horns, not to mention a guy with a padlock around his neck!
I'm sure you're wondering how the actual gig was? Well, it was much better than expected, yes Annabella Lwin has let herself go a little, but you can't expect someone who hasn't been playing music for 30ish years to stay completely in shape, can you?  Nevertheless, her change in figure didn't affect her dancing skills one bit! 
Not only was her dancing awesome, her voice has hardly changed, even with feedback she managed to sound just like her old records! Obviously I never got to see her live when she was younger, but you can tell just how amazing she would have been then. 
Her fashion-sense was pretty kooky, firstly she was wearing a Picasso style top with a cap covering most of her face she took both of these off and was wearing a pair of shorts and a rather nice vest, I would definitely wear that outfit, she had a pretty good taste in clothes, also when she took her cap off she uncovered her face and looked ten times better to what I was originally expecting. She was definitely looking good for a 45 year old!
The track list was just about perfect and played all of the 'golden oldies' including 'I Want Candy', 'Go Wild in the Country', and a personal favourite, 'Sexy Eiffel Towers'. Which did sound slightly wrong coming from an older lady, but she managed to just about pull it off. 'C30, C60, C90, Go!' was definitely my Daddy's favourite and also seemed to be the majority of the audience's favourite too. The up-tempo songs all had the audience dancing around, I'm not quite sure if you can call some of it dancing, but I couldn't see one person who wasn't enjoying themselves.
Overall the night was great and had an amazing atmosphere!
Thanks for reading,
Harri :)

Saturday, 14 April 2012

The Weirdest of friends.. SJ

So I promised SJ I would dedicate a blog entry to her so here it is: 
So how did I meet SJ, funny story, she was a plus one to my 16th birthday party and she came with my friend Lauren, dressed up as pirates. Basically I didn't really know her at all but I was like 'Whateveeeerrrr' and she came to my party.

So that's her and Lauren being all piratey! Anyway, she didn't think I liked her at first because I was stressed and she thought I was annoyed she was there (I WASN'T) 
So yeah.. anyway, then I got into South Wilts to do my AS Levels and got to know her a lot better, so we got pretty tight and started hanging out together a bit/ a lot! The first party we went to together was a friends'  18th and this is us (and Lauren)..

So we got a lot closer and we had devised a slightly lame but equally awesome awkward turtle thing with actions which ended with a 'Spying Giraffe' it was basically, 'AWKWARD TURTLE MAKING BABIES UNDER A PALM TREE WITH A SPYING GIRAFFE' anyway it sounds pretty weird with out the actions and that kind of sums us up; pretty weird.  

So that was us being weird.

Well our first social came along and it was Harry Potter themed so we made costumes to be golden snitches, because we are awesome. This is what they looked like; even if I say so myself, they were cool.

Anyway ANOTHER social came along which was christmas themed, SJ went as a penguin and I went as a christmas present, this picture shows, yet again, how weird we are. 

So yeahhhhh and thennnnnnnnnnnn Lauren's Birthday party also gives a clue that we aren't exactly normal. 
It might be the fact we're both ginger, or that might just add to it, but even so, she is one of the most awesome people since whoever the last awesome ginger was! 

Also her boyfriend and I have known each other since we were four years old but unfortunately I didn't take part in setting them up :( 

but they're a weird couple, in a cool, cute, adorable way :D

Probably not the nicest photo of them, but SJ loves me so she'll get over it!  

LYBBZ! Harri! <3

Oh and read her blog 

Friday, 13 April 2012

The Big 'L' Word

Hello again, so I thought it would be a good time to write a little bit about LOVE and how I think it's scary and not really something you should say unless you mean it. Everyone says 'I love you' all the time. I think that the phrase is said far too much and far too sparingly; 'I love you'  is supposed to mean something, it isn't the same as liking someone LOADS it mean you're in love with someone. This is probably why I find the twelve year old girls posting pictures of them and their boyfriend with captions similar to 'I love my boyfriend so much' ridiculous. No you don't. It's very unlikely that you love anyone except members of your family. 
This is the reason I never throw the word 'love' about, even with my best friend, we never say 'I love you' unless we're taking the piss, we often change it to things like 'I lava you' or messing about and writing 'Ilybbz' or sometimes say 'And this is why I love you'. 
Adding things on or taking things away from this sentence completely changes all meanings of it and turns it into something more playful. 
I was talking to my friend SJ, who also has a blog; ( and she seems to have similar views to me,
"how people who have been with their boyfriends or whatever for like a week and are like 'i love you loads baby' and all of that pisses me off because you dont love someone straight away; it takes time and you gradually fall in love with them"
I think what she said here is very important, it does take time to love someone and you can't just fall in love with someone, I guess some people do believe in love at first sight, but I don't, so I think this is a very valid point.
"I think only you will know when youre in love with someone because it feels different to anything else before and to be in love with someone you feel how they feel, like when they're upset, you feel upset, when they're hurting so do you, and when they're happy, it makes you happier than anything else in the world."
However I disagree with one of her points, due to me finding 'I love you' to mean something else to 'Love you'
"I think that between friends and stuff 'love' is thrown around, but like people do mean it, but they dont mean it to be 'in love' an like how people say there is a huge difference betweenn 'love you' and 'i love you' i dont really think makes a huge amount of difference but to be 'in love' with someone is different to just loving them"
I believe if you are to say 'I love you' you are inferring that you are in love with them and that if you just say 'love you' it means you could love them if you got to know them better or started to spend more time with them.
When talking to another friend, he said 'I love you' and I got a bit annoyed, because when people say it, I can't just say it back unless I actually believe I could be in love with them. This puts pressure on whoever you're saying it to to say it back. Also if someone were to say 'I love you' almost as a joke then you may be put in the awkward position where you say it back in a jokingly way to find out they were serious, this causes all kinds of misconceptions.
I'm not saying that I think love is stupid or that people should never say 'I love you'; I just believe that people should make sure they know what context they are saying it in because situations can be made embarrassing for them or the person they are saying it to.

Thank you for reading,

Thursday, 12 April 2012

The Vegetarian or Not?

So, I have been a vegetarian for almost ten years, and for a 16 year old, that is a pretty long time. I became a veggie on Boxing Day at my grandparents house after we had eaten our meal. 
I'm not a vegetarian because of morals or any of that; I'm a vegetarian because I don't like the taste of meat. Yes, I've tried chicken since, and I still don't like it, but this doesn't make me a 'bad vegetarian'. I get labelled with that all of the time, but I'm not. 
I do sometimes eat fish, because I like the taste of it, especially in sushi. I guess I should really call myself a pescatarian but I only eat salmon and tuna sometimes and the rest only in sushi, so I find it easier to call myself a veggie!
You can't be a bad anything if you're doing something your way, some people say Damien Hirst is a 'bad artist' because of their OPINION and that is all it is. Opinion. 
It makes me really angry that people think that just because I'm a vegetarian I'll have really strong views on animals being farmed, however, even though I'm a veggie, it doesn't mean that I think I can change the world. Yeah I guess, because of veggies in general, less animals are being killed, but if I stop being a vegetarian it's isn't like the number of animals dying is going to elevate. As one person being a veggie, I'm not making a massive difference on my own. 
I'm not the kind of veggie that is going to start ranting at you to tell you to become a vegetarian, my mummy is one also and she didn't push it on me at all, she let me make my own decisions and I chose to be; although I do believe if she wasn't a veggie too, I would probably not have become one because I doubt there would have been much support.
I am proud of being a vegetarian but I am sick of people judging me on what I eat. So yeah, before you start saying how you think people can be good and bad vegetarians, think again, they could have better reasons for doing what they do than you may think. 
Thank you for reading,

My First Blog

Basically, I thought I should try blogging, because a few people have suggested it; anyway, hey I'm Harriet and I'm 16 doing my AS levels at sixth form (Psychology, English Language, Culture and Communications and Biology). I'm most likely going to just blab a lot and maybe say a few sensible things along the way, I hope you enjoy it :D